Sunday, January 26, 2020
Leadership In Toyota Business
Leadership In Toyota Business Transformational Leadership The transformational leadership is the style of the direction in which the chief identifies the change necessary, creates a vision to direct the change with the inspiration, and carries out the change with the commission of the members of the group. Transactional leadership The transactional leadership is a term used to classify the theories formally sweat of a direction of the group which of research the interactions between the leaders and the followers make. A transactional leader is centered more one series of transactions. This person wishes to supervise towards was, to have exchange it profits with its subordinates and clarifies a direction duty with the rewards and the punishments to achieve goals. Charismatic Leadership The charismatic leadership is direction based the capacity of the chief to communicate and to be comprised manners that reach the partisans in a manner basic, emotional, to inspire and to justify. It is difficult to identify the characteristics which make with charismatic leader, but includes certainly the capacity to communicate in an emotional level very with long range, and probably includes some characteristics of the personality. Level 5 Leadership Level 5 leadership has higher level in a hierarchy of the executive capacities. The leaders in the others four levels can be right, but cannot rise with companies of the mediocrity to constant excellence. The direction of level 5 defies the catch of load that to transform with companies of what is good with large it asks chiefs. The chiefs who came towards outside in cover in the study five years from Hakes were relatively unknown out of their industries. The results appear to indicate a change of the emphases far from the hero to with what is anti-hero. Transactional leadership in Toyota Toyota provides like various example of the direction. Toyota led its success by producing a product of higher quality with the assistance of its suppliers. The company works openly with its dominant suppliers to put and increase its operation in execution. It shares the secrecies of the system of production of Toyota with the suppliers to help to reach the operation of quality and the cost which benefits all the members from the chain from source. Toyota grew at fast intervals for this period and it changed recently the third automaker more of large the world. The volume of research suggests that the chiefs transformational (Toyotas of the world) exceed with compromise chiefs (GMs) in the majority of the cases. The example conveys industry shows this on a wide timeframe. The representatives of the chain of source can wish to evaluate their own organizations and to determine the type of direction, and the ship of the partisan, currently while occurring and to make their plans related in the long run consequently. Toyota has a strong capacity of research and development as well as the capacities of manufacture being given its capacity to nourish and preserve creativity of the employee. Also, it provides flexibility in an atmosphere of the work which enough rigid and controlled. Without importing the aforesaid advantage, however, the transactional leadership has disadvantages. This conformity and a highly structured atmosphere, of the employee of the values of the model of the direction cannot often encourage creativity or the innovation of the employee. In addition, this conformity of the employee can far causing more the problems for an organization. New processes, practical, or direct structures which change the nature of directing work, suggest that it can be the important source of the competitive advantage. In this study, hearth in the innovation of management in the level of the organization and fact of research on role of the behavior of direction like antecedent of the key. Being given it prominent role in organizations, management higher than the capacity to influence the innovation of management largely. The belief, behaviors, and the capacities of the expert leaders in the mean system of management arise on the other hand and they are shown to be remarkable different from that one had by the expert representatives in conventional practices of management. The results illustrate important limitations of the models of the capacity of the direction. The development of the new capacities of the direction reframed as problem of changes-over. Gathered with kaizen, capacities that a better service the interests of a business an d its holders of dominant bets can be observed more with effectiveness. The transactional leadership with the attention with the supervision and the reinforcement behaviors of the safety of the workers were shown to be effective in the level of supervision. The average representatives need to be implied in safety and to support the opened communication, while they ensure conformity with the systems of safety. They must not prohibit with supervisors with the degree of autonomy for the initiatives of safety. The larger representatives have an influence first in the culture of the safety of the organization. They need continuously to show a commission visible with safety, indicated him better possible for the moment when they devote to the topics of safety. Give the transactional leader energy to carry out certain tasks and to reward them or to punish them by the operation of the equipment. It gives the opportunity to the person charged to lead to the group and the group decides to follow his led it to obtain an objective predetermined in exchange of a little more. Energy is given to the chief to evaluate, correct and to form with subordinates when the productivity is not until the desired effectiveness of the level and the reward when the result envisaged is reached. The transactional leadership is frequently occupied needs and instrumental or daily transactions of management (i.e. responsibility for operation or work, exchanging a favor, turning over a request) between the chief and the partisans to achieve goals of the subunit. However, the process with effectiveness to handle these needs which face is in accordance with the capacity of diagnosis and with the adaptability of the chief in style of direction. The transactional leadership is perceptibly connected with results of the leadership of the effectiveness of the leader, additional effort of the employees, and satisfaction of the employee. The transformational leadership could increase the transactional leadership to produce of them greater quantities of operation and satisfaction. Transformational leadership in Toyota Toyota uses a program of the management of credit of the vital cycle to protect from the corporative credits. By taking this innovating bringing together, Toyota makes sure that the corporative credits reach or exceed their useful life expectancy. They reached an employers sight of the EC what it can be differed, and for how long, as they estimate the impact of a reserve suggested. With proven results, Toyota revealed strong operation of the credit in a difficult economy by having the information which needs to make suitable adjustments of the percentage of availability and the reductions with their operation project. The transformational leadership functions especially well in the close relations of supervision, compared with more distant relations, and a closer supervision is often more typical in mental adjustments of health. The transformational leadership treats the direction like a characteristic of the personality or predisposition personnel rather which as behavior in which people can be sent. If the capacity to act as a transformational chief is a characteristic then which forms with people in this bringing together it is problematic. The creation of the value for all the holders of bets is still central activities of the units of business. The emphasis is in the improvement supported in the value created, led by all the employees through an integrated system of programs and initiatives, continuously supervised and determined against standards and the measurements put in execution. Division was well carried out in difficult economic circumstances. The transformational chief justifies with his effective and effective equipment to be. The communication is the base for the achievement of the objective which is centered with the group the final desired achievement of the result or the objective. This leader is highly visible and uses the chain of the commando to obtain made work. The transformational leaders are centered the large table, by needing some to be surrounded by people who take the care of the details. The chief always seeks the ideas which move the organization with the range the vision of the company. The representatives who exert practices transformational of the direction will most probably test higher tendencies for the commission of emotional and normative organization. The commission of organization of handling of the employee is important because it was related to the reduced volume of sales, with the increasing knowledge which he shared, with the increasing behaviors of organization of the citizenship and with the reduced absenteeism. The transformational leadership is different from the compromise direction because it is not inculcated in the cognitive spirit. There are some rules to put the model transformational direction in execution. These rules include the articulation of light and an attractive vision, by explaining how the vision can be obtained, to act sure and optimistic, by expressing confidence of the partisans, by using the dramatic actions, symbolic systems to accentuate the dominant values, and to lead them for example. The transformational leadership contributes to the innovation of management. Interesting, our study indicates that one smaller, less complex, favors organizations more compromise direction to carry out the innovation of management. In addition, of the larger organizations require to draw in transformational chiefs to compensate for their complexity and to allow that the innovation of management thrives. Charismatic leadership in Toyota Toyota can internally be seen like modern institutional manner, by preserving energy dynastic. In Kiichiro Toyoda in 1937 it founded with the company like effect of industries of Toyota of the company of his father, and chair it today is Akio Toyoda. It would be large over-simplification to assume which a family-based structure inhibits the change and the adjustment. However, its response to its manufacture and recent problems of the strategy appear constant with a tendency to avoid the radical actions which seem threats to remove the heart with cultural values. The charismatic leaders create a direction of the goal for their organization which is of motivation and inspiring. The charismatic chiefs express things simply so that each one obtains it; they use the positive language, often stories of the use, symbols, and metaphors to obtain its point with crossing. The charismatic chiefs ask for the status quo, take risks and thrive in the innovation and change them. But in the other side it can be deprived spectacular, it creates a worship of the personality and can use towards outside with the workers. Toyota tries to balance the interests of what are stakeholders like employees, customers, suppliers, investors and the Community with the mean production. Use factors as quota of market; the product or the innovation of the service, quality etc are regarded as important parts of the total value of the business. The Charismatic leadership strongly has its effects by contracting the concepts of itself of the partisans to the interest of the mission articulated by the chief like, the (A) the behavior of charismatic chiefs and its effects the partisans, it (b) the role of the values and the orientations of the partisans in the charismatic relation, and it (c) something of the conditions of organization which support the appearance and the effectiveness of charismatic chiefs. The charismatic leaders act like model of the role for the followers, show the individualized consideration and recognize the realization of the partisan, exhibit not very conventional behavior, and show the personal risk with regard to their vision for the organization. The charismatic leader led to the investment growing in the signature, and influences it of the chief were taller when the prospects for a return of organization were more difficult. The transformational leadership provides partisans a clear direction of the goal which, is a model of the role for control moral and built the identification with the leader and his vision articulated for a sector. Level 5 leadership in Toyota Leadership, leading the organization to a vision which uses a tactical strategy definite business and directions through all the levels on the floor of the plant, fact TPM, inclination, and the vision of the work management of TPM for TPM must be aligned levels themselves higher of the organization on the floor and the suppliers of the plant. The level 5 leadership is the category of execution higher than the direction in world. They can reach splendid and durable results in the long run. With the force requires much time and personal investment of the leader but the leader does not receive personal credit. The level 5 leadership defies the catch of load that to transform with companies of what is good with large it asks chiefs. Tri-dimensional leadership in Toyota Toyota is installed in what calls the base the three-dimensional chief the dynamic operational ones of the success (COSD) which makes the culture of a large company. Since a particular system of values is the angular stone of one of highly of collaboration, and cross-pollinated, culture which gains, required PO to support with responsible representatives to carry them ahead, while ensuring itself whose behavior of the employee is constant with them. In this model, the measure of the efficiency is an evaluation of the response to the atmosphere or the results, rather which an evaluation of the initial behavior of the leader. Emotional Intelligence One defines the emotional intelligence as timidity a person, a confidence in itself, self-control, commission and integrity, and the capacity of a person to communicate, influence, and start the change and to accept the change. Three of the aspects more important than the emotional intelligence so that the capacity of a chief makes effective decisions are timidity, communication and influence, and commission and integrity. Three dominions of the capacity-emotional ability (which call EQ), the intellectual capacity (index of intelligence), and the direct capacity (MQ) which contributes to operation in the act included the supervision, the oral communication, the direction of the business, even management, and the initiative and independence. The index of intelligence is EQ, not which is given as good somebody will be carried out in work. While this does not mean that the technical abilities and the general intelligence must be made case, some studies indicated that the emotional intelligence twice is so important. When it comes to the direction, I.E. (internal excitation) is incredibly important, while differentiating between the effective and poor direction. Toyota, which invented the system of the mean production, appears to have inclined its manner with the catastrophe. The pressures to increase margins led to a series of decisions to cut a little cost to one here and a bit there in the process of the design. While each individual decision was probably justifiable, the cumulative impact appears to have made the increase in the cars of the company the fragile or fragile systems, ripe for the unexpected forces like the interaction between a carpet the stage and of an accelerator to involve a judgment of the system. While the exploration and the exploitation of knowledge represent two different activities which require corresponding adjustments of organization, the development of new product calls for a dynamic combination from both. In agreement with a systematic revision of the paradox between the exploration of knowledge and the exploitation and several strategies of resolution, research extends the construction of the ambidexterity of organization of the double structure to the ambidextrous capacities, and suggests a dialectical method to reconcile this paradox on lower levels of organization. Current requirements of leadership The development of the theory of the leadership was parallel to the development of the theory of organization. The models of the direction of liberalism, compromise and transformational explain the old paradigm of the bureaucratic organization and reinforce the new paradigm of organization for the twentieth first century. The bureaucratic organization is analyzed in terms of direction the liberalism and the compromise elements of the direction of management-by-the exception and the reward quota. The new station-bureaucratic organization is analyzed in terms from four I of the direction transformational: individualized consideration, intellectual stimulant, motivation of what is inspirational, and influence idealized. The inferences are drawn for the roles and the necessary behavior of the future chiefs. Challenges faced by leader The leader and the organization face today with a host of the challenges of the direction. These challenges are of dropped natural. 1) Transformation: The transformation changes a long-term reality instead of work of today. The technology which it changes and a total economy are two of the principal factors, with to which the leader must face. The best put plans stops organization a structural change is frequently undermined by a lack to exist strong direction. Sail so much successfully with leaders of the transition and the organization needs to include/understand the human side of the transition and to build a culture of confidence. Like such a leader need has to want to explore and learn how from its own emotional transitions to support such efforts in others. 2) Cultural adaptability: The cultural adaptability is the goodwill and the capacity to recognize, include/understand and work with effectiveness through cultural differences. These differences can include language, the religion and with social customers, among others. While the organization arrives at being more total, the cultural adaptability changes a vital ability for directing success. 3) Management of the conflict: The difficult interactions, the dissimulated end of the organization like, the tensions and frustration can all the release of conflict in the place of work. The conflicts in progress can sabotage productivity, the co-operation and the communication. However, when the leaders handle conflict with effectiveness, the organization can test positive advantages, like decision-making better, more open and an ambient organization which stimulates creativity and the innovation. To handle conflicts, the chiefs need to learn how to recognize it and then to treat it. 4) Effective relations of the emotional intelligence: The emotional intelligence is more than hardly a word of the buzz. It is in the base of the capacity of a leader to put in connection well with others the chiefs it cannot produce the alignment of the commission and cultivate it necessary to survive and thrive at complex times. The capacity to build effective relations is one of the more important dominant components challenges of the direction. Future requirements of leadership The analysis of future condition of the direction determines the necessary critical capacities leaders to deliver in the future strategy of the organization. Once these capacities of the direction are identified, they are useful as the foundation for the significant process of the hour which must be aligned with the tools and the processes for development of the direction to deliver to the necessary leaders to carry out the future strategy. Only if the analysis of the future conditions of the direction is precise will that the remainder of the system of development of the direction is built with effectiveness and contributes to the future success of the organization. Future leader face the challenges Being given the dynamics of the business which it changes, we must start to seek new manners of developing abilities of the direction to contribute to chiefs successfully to sail the future challenges. The popular publications of business are centered in design and the innovation like contributor dominant with the success of long-term organization. 85 percent of larger leaders it were appropriate that the virtual direction is an ability necessary for the chiefs in its organizations and as agreed as the virtual direction requires various abilities which it expensive direction with face. The leaders must learn how to work through limits to collaborate with effectiveness during the years which come. Confidence and the respect are vital in the place of work, to develop these abilities for the future it will be essential to maintain with the committed and trustful labor on the long term. The development of the talent is a challenge of important organization today. The differences in the answers could be allotted to the fact that one communicated no plan of the succession by the means of organizations. The direction and the success of organization will require greater levels of the operation of each employee. To ensure we are ready for the challenge, health and the aptitude must change a hearth of our processes of the development to be dealt with the high voltage, to avoid burnout, and to maintain with completely engaged employees. (CEML): Best Practice Guide for Organizations for leadership development The Council for Excellence in Management and Leadership (CEML) to help in the United Kingdom to improve their action of the representatives and the chiefs of good quality. This particular project was directed the improvement of the direction in large corporations and was directed by a group of operation understood by the directors or executives which revealed in the principal Councils with such a responsibility. Developing leaders Who convert need hour to develop its capacities. The effective chiefs are use with models, trainers, mentors, the cars and the advisers of the role to improve. The legendary direction is reached by which they seek wisdom and knowledge their advisers, of partisans and professors. The courses of training of the abilities of the direction build their confidence and authorize their dash towards success. Leadership training programs energizing people of the organizations. The development of the direction follows and to form workshops must consolidate its capacity, align its values with authentic behaviors and enable him to attend its professionals, executives; the representatives and the heads of undertaking obtain their objectives. The development of the leadership is recognized like vital ingredient for the success of the organization, the implication of larger leaders in teaching and to learn from the future leaders was shown to be a tool with long range and effective. The leadership is to gauge the energy level of chiefs as it makes them able to learn its errors and from entertainment to be had in the place of work. The academician can make enormous contributions in the knowledge and the abilities of people who convert put in connection with the Community and the social change. Mentorship and to model role played a significant part in its development of career. Mentoring is a form of social assistance in which they match with an experienced individual and quite less informed (it protects) in order to advance the satisfaction of the development and the career of they protects and decreased alienation work, the effective socialization of the young employees, promotions and remuneration, mobility career and advances, satisfaction of the career, commission of the career, job satisfaction, and reduced to the individuals with an experiment and a knowledge of more advanced (mentors) tension of work. (CEML): Best Practice Guide for Organizations for future leadership development The Council for Excellence in Management and Leadership (CEML) to make sure that Great Britain can produce with chiefs and representatives of the future in the public and private sectors which are phosphorus for any person in the world. This will be based the following strategy of the three-filament: à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¢ To improve the request for the development of management and the direction of individuals and organizations; à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¢ By improving the source and the delivery of the abilities of management and the direction by proposing reforms with the source of education of management and direction and the drive; à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¢ The supervision not-changes in connections between the request and the source the creation of the CEML shows clearly not only the attempt of the current administration to deliver to improve the development and the drive of it of the direction of the public sector, but also that which started to develop some of the strategic structures to deliver with an aim. The CEML is clearly necessary a prospect for the government to direct, contract and improve the development of the direction and management in the organizations of the United Kingdom.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Compare and Contrast Driving in the Winter and Driving in the Summer
New drivers may believe that driving an automobile is similar in every season, but experienced motorists are likely to know that winter and summer offer different pleasures and challenges. The most obvious daistinctions between the seasons are the temperature, precipitation and amount of daylight. Each of these variables can change driving conditions dramatically. Indeed, some drivers even refrain from driving in certain weather. Fortunately, both seasons do have advantages so drivers can enjoy the road if they respect the effects of different seasons. Summer heat is cause for caution. Drivers must beware of blinding sun and take care to use sunglasses or pull down visors. Hot, humid weather may also cause windshields to fog up. Using air conditioning to maintain comfortable environment for passengers and pets is also often sensible. Parents may also find melted crayons or plastic toys if the car is left in the heat too long. On the other hand, leaving the air conditioning on too long can even cause the car to overheat. Additionally, the temptation to take long drives may lead to driver fatigue. All of these potential hazards mean drivers should be careful driving in the summer. While summer heat can be difficult to cope with, winter weather including rain, dark skies and hail or snow storms are sure to challenge even the most experienced drivers. Drivers often experience limited visibility during precipitation or heavy fog, which requires them to slow down or even wait out the worst weather. Special equipment such as chains may be needed. Another difficulty is the potential for cars to freeze overnight. Drivers must also watch out for icy on roads that can cause skidding and accidents. Summer and winter can both cause dangerous conditions; however, there are opportunities to enjoy the open road in both seasons. Summer allows time for leisurely drives with high visibility, mild weather and to special destinations such as the beach. Roads that may be impassable in the winter are typically open in the summer as well so that drivers can enjoy unusual terrain. In contrast, while winter driving may be limited by less light and harsher weather, driving through a snowy landscape or holiday light displays are uniquely beautiful experiences. Further, winter driving is associated with Thanksgiving and Christmas gatherings that reunite families. It is clear that in rain or shine, there are risks and rewards to taking to the road.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Mgt 445 Week 5 Individual Assignment: Article Analysis
A negotiation is a civil process that takes place to resolve and develop a solution between all parties involved. Negotiations take place between all types of parties; organizational and global. They are structured to resolve the situation in an orderly manner with steps and strategies. In 2003, a global situation occurred that required negotiation between countries. North Korea announced they were withdrawing from the nuclear non-proliferation treaty (NPT). Upon making this announcement, they also stated they do not intend on producing nuclear weapons.This information was revealed from the official North Korean News Agency, NKNA. When this was announced, it raised red flags around the world. Even though North Korea declared the withdrawal immediate, according to Article X, countries must give a three month notice before withdrawal. North Korea made the decision to withdraw from the NPT is based on Bushââ¬â¢s 2003 State of the Union Address, when he declared North Korea to be part of the ââ¬Ëaxis of evilââ¬â¢ along with Iran and Iraq (Global Issues, 2006).Since the United States were preparing to invade Iraq, they felt they needed to create a credible deterrent in case they were next. The non-proliferation treaty was developed to convince countries such as Argentina, Brazil, Germany, Japan, South Africa, South Korea, and North Korea to be non-nuclear countries. The treaty was enforced in 1970 and provided the framework needed to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons. A decade before in 1993, North Korea threatened to withdraw from the NPT.There were several bilateral negotiations that took place resulting in North Korea retracting their statements just a few days before the withdrawal became effective. Since North Korea was no longer an official member of the treaty, there were few obstacles stopping them from developing and selling nuclear weapons, technology, and materials to other countries. There are only a few countries that are not members of the NPT. These countries are India, Pakistan, Israel, and North Korea. There were several key factors in this initial negotiation of nations.In order to prevent other countries from evaluating their stand on the NPT, the Bush Administration developed a new approach to global security. Several key global arms control agreements were implemented, these agreements included the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, the Biological Weapons Convention, the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, the Sort Treaty, and the process of strategic arms reductions with Russia (Global Issues, 2006). When North Korea decided to withdraw, they invoked their legal right to do so.The United States was worried that this action would increase international tension and risk Japan evaluating their position on nuclear weapons. Bill Richardson acted as a mediator between the United States and North Korea. After several discussions and negotiations, North Korea said they would halt all nuclear weapon developments. Shortly after making this agreement, they restated saying they would not give up their nuclear weapon program until the United States provides it with a civilian nuclear reactor.These actions made provisions for the entire treat to be reviewed, revised, and negotiated between countries. Actions or comments made by countries caused commitments to a nuclear weapons treaty to be revoked. This is a serious and sensitive subject globally and a nuclear war is feared by every country and their leaders. The same steps of negotiation are used in a global topic such as nuclear weapons and the NPT and it would be in an organizational negotiation.When these steps are carefully followed and sometimes calling in a third party mediator is necessary, a solution can be developed and implemented for the sake of all parties involved. References CNN World. (2003, January 10). Retrieved from Nuclear Weapons: North Korea Leaves Nuclear Pact: http://articles. cnn. com N Korea Withdraws From Nuclear Pact. (2003, Januar y 10). Retrieved November 9, 2012, from BBC News World Edition: http://news. bbc. co. uk/2/hi/asia-pacific. com Global Issues. (2006, October 26). Retrieved from North Korea and Nuclear Weapons: http://www. globalissues. org
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Glycoprotein Definition and Function
A glycoprotein is a type of protein molecule that has had a carbohydrate attached to it. The process either occurs during protein translation or as a posttranslational modification in a process called glycosylation. The carbohydrate is an oligosaccharide chain (glycan) that is covalently bonded to the polypeptide side chains of the protein. Because of the -OH groups of sugars, glycoproteins are more hydrophilic than simple proteins. This means glycoproteins are more attracted to water than ordinary proteins. The hydrophilic nature of the molecule also leads to the characteristic folding of the proteins tertiary structure. The carbohydrate is a short molecule, often branched, and may consist of: simple sugars (e.g., glucose, galactose, mannose, xylose)amino sugars (sugars that have an amino group, such as N-acetylglucosamine or N-acetylgalactosamine)acidic sugars (sugars that have a carboxyl group, such as sialic acid or N-acetylneuraminic acid) O-Linked and N-Linked Glycoproteins Glycoproteins are categorized according to the attachment site of the carbohydrate to an amino acid in the protein. O-linked glycoproteins are ones in which the carbohydrate bonds to the oxygen atom (O) of the hydroxyl group (-OH) of the R group of either the amino acid threonine or serine. O-linked carbohydrates may also bond to hydroxylysine or hydroxyproline. The process is termed O-glycosylation. O-linked glycoproteins are bound to sugar within the Golgi complex.N-linked glycoproteins have a carbohydrate bonded to the nitrogen (N) of theà amino group (-NH2) of the R group of the amino acid asparagine. The R group is usually the amide side chain of asparagine. The bonding process is called N-glycosylation. N-linked glycoproteins gain their sugar from the endoplasmic reticulum membrane and then are transported to the Golgi complex for modification. While O-linked and N-linked glycoproteins are the most common forms, other connections are also possible: P-glycosylation occurs when the sugar attaches to the phosphorus of phosphoserine.C-glycosylation is when the sugar attaches to the carbon atom of an amino acid. An example is when the sugar mannose bonds to the carbon in tryptophan.Glypiation is when aà glycophosphatidylinositol (GPI) glycolipid attaches to the carbon terminus of a polypeptide. Glycoprotein Examples and Functions Glycoproteins function in the structure, reproduction, immune system, hormones, and protection of cells and organisms. Glycoproteins are found on the surface of the lipid bilayer of cell membranes. Their hydrophilic nature allows them to function in the aqueous environment, where they act in cell-cell recognition and binding of other molecules. Cell surface glycoproteins are also important for cross-linking cells and proteins (e.g., collagen) to add strength and stability to a tissue. Glycoproteins in plant cells are what allows plants to stand upright against the force of gravity. Glycosylated proteins are not just critical forà intercellular communication. They also help organ systems communicate with each other. Glycoproteins are found in brain gray matter, where they work together with axons and synaptosomes. Hormonesà may be glycoproteins. Examples include human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) and erythropoietin (EPO). Blood clotting depends on the glycoproteins prothrombin, thrombin, and fibrinogen. Cell markers may be glycoproteins. The MN blood groups are due to two polymorphic forms of the glycoprotein glycophorin A. The two forms differ only by two amino acid residues, yet that is enough to cause problems for persons receiving an organ donated by someone with a different blood group. The Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) and H antigen of the ABO blood group are distinguished by glycosylated proteins. Glycophorin A is also important because its the attachment site for Plasmodium falciparum, a human blood parasite. Glycoproteins are important for reproduction because they allow for the binding of the sperm cell to the surface of the egg. Mucins are glycoproteins found in mucus. The molecules protect sensitive epithelial surfaces, including the respiratory, urinary, digestive, and reproductive tracts. The immune response relies on glycoproteins. The carbohydrate of antibodies (which are glycoproteins) determines the specific antigen it can bind. B cells and T cells have surface glycoproteins which bind antigens, as well. Glycosylation Versus Glycation Glycoproteins get their sugar from an enzymatic process that forms a molecule that would not function otherwise. Another process, called glycation, covalently bonds sugars to proteins and lipids. Glycation is not an enzymatic process. Often, glycation reduces or negates the function of the affected molecule. Glycation naturally occurs during aging and is accelerated in diabetic patients with high glucose levels in their blood. Sources Berg, Jeremy M., et al. Biochemistry. 5th ed., W.H. Freeman and Company, 2002, pp. 306-309.Ivatt, Raymond J. The Biology of Glycoproteins. Plenum Press, 1984.
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