Thursday, October 31, 2019

Database security Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Database security Questions - Essay Example In addition, the moment we think to offer security to our database framework with the intention that no illegal person or user is able to use it. However, the unplanned harms could be minimized by offering guidance to the employees and enforcing fines on violation of the business policies for instance moving away from workplace even though the system is open for working. In this scenario, a company user must be permitted access only relevant data, and diverse business users should be controlled through diverse methods of access for instance interpretation and modification to business critical data. Thus, business strategies at user administration level are able to help make new rules for prohibiting illegal or legal user access issues (Kumar, 2011; Cawley, 2008). Q. 2 Trigger The below given code is taken from (Pattani, 2010; Oracle , 2010; Czuprynski, 2006) CREATE TABLE CUSTOMER_SECTION ( Cst_SectNo sectno_dom, Cst_Name section_dom, Cst_HeadSSN ssn_dom, Cst_Budget budget_dom, CONSTR AINT customer_section_PK PRIMARY KEY (cst_SectNo), CONSTRAINT c_section_FK FOREIGN KEY (cst_HeadSSN) REFERENCES tab_LIBRARIAN (SSN), CONSTRAINT customer_section_budget_TX2 CHECK ((cst_Budget >= 0) AND (cst_Budget IS NOT NULL)), CONSTRAINT customer_section_budget_TX2 CHECK (NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM customer_SECTION s WHERE cst_budget Head.Salary AND Lib.Section = S.cst_SectNo AND S.Lib_HeadSSN = Head.SSN and Lib.SSN Head.SSN)) inform_director (Lib.SSN,Lib_HeadSSN); In the above given code we supposed that inform_director() is a process which has already been stored inside the database in addition it could be used by the DBMS (Pattani, 2010). Q: 3 Following are advantages of VPD: (Pattani, 2010; Oracle , 2010; Czuprynski, 2006) VPD offers dynamic security mechanism means that businesses need not to uphold complicated roles and considering grants aspects. By using VPD one can apply over individual rule on every database object Database users are not able to circumvent safety mechanis m inserted inside applications, since

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Illegal P2P File Sharing on Institutions of Higher Learning Research Paper

Illegal P2P File Sharing on Institutions of Higher Learning - Research Paper Example Facilitating parties such as P2P providers have been held secondarily liable for the infringing activities too. Institutions of higher learning such as colleges and universities have been targeted by the efforts of the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) to eradicate illegal file sharing rampant among students (Tanaka 22). Even though Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) limits the level of liability of Internet service providers (ISPs) who may provide internet connection to infringing user of P2P file sharing, RIAA argues that there is a special relationship between college networks (ISPs) and their students different from that commercial ISPs have with their customers. This is aimed at increasing the liability which colleges carry from infringing activities of students (Varian 48). There is a possibility of high financial and academic cost of restriction of P2P file sharing in campuses. The following paper explorers the solutions to illegal P2P file sharing activiti es in colleges. 2. Response to Illegal P2P File Sharing by the Music Industry Mora than 50% of college students download music illegally. In the year 2010, 1.6 billion illegal music downloads were associated with students of higher learning. Such statistics are the reason why RIAA decided to concentrate on deterring illegal P2P file sharing in college. ... of the music industry, has also introduced an education bill which ensures that colleges follow certain guidelines aimed at eradicating illegal music downloads. If these institutions fail to comply with such procedures, they risk losing all or part of federal fund assistance. According to Gopal, Sudip and Lawrence (81), â€Å"the procedures in the education bill include; (1) make college policies regarding illegal downloading and distribution of other copyrighted material publicly available for all students and employees, and (2) develop a plan to offer alternatives to illegal downloading as well as offer â€Å"technology-based deterrents† to prevent illegal activity.† 3. Relationship between College and Students The relationship between colleges and their students can be said to be special. This is because colleges have a high tendency and ability to control actions of their students. This is possible through provision of resources such as security, food and sometimes housing (Gallaway & Douglas 37). Even though majority of student are adults in their own capacity, they remain under rules and regulations designed by colleges to control the conduct of students. With this fact, college-student relations are special and can therefore warrant a duty on the college to monitor their internet networks and make efforts toward reduction or minimization of infringing activities such as illegal music downloading (Castells 77). From the argument that colleges have a great impact on the structure of a student’s life by providing them with food, housing, security and controlling their activities through rules and regulations, colleges can be said to have a special relationship with their students. This relationship is justified by comparing it to that of a parent and a child.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Task Centred Approach in Mental Health

Task Centred Approach in Mental Health â€Å"Write a case study illustrating a social work intervention with an individual or family drawn from your current practice placement. The case study should illustrate the application of a social work method / approach (such as crisis intervention, systemic approaches, solution focused approach, CBT etc) to a practice situation and should contain a critical analysis of the chosen methodology.† Within this assignment I will discuss a case that I am managing within my placement by providing details of the case and other professional bodies that are currently involved. In relation to this case I will discuss the relevant theories and methods that I have used with this client and critically analyse my choice of method. I will also mention other methods or approaches that I feel may have been beneficial to my work with the client. In order to provide evidence of this session with my client I will also attach a process recording to illustrate my chosen method. Michael is a 47 year old male that is a service user of the Mental Health Team in Ballyfermot. Michael has been diagnosed with schizophrenia and a mild intellectual disability. He currently lives alone in the community with the support of the Mental Health Team. I am managing this case with the supervision of my practice teacher. At the moment Michael has the support of the outreach team in which they manage his medication and food shopping, whereas the social work department manage his finances in regards to his bills and give Michael a daily allowance each week. I am currently working one to one with Michael on a weekly basis in regards to the goals he has set for the following weeks. Each week Michael and I meet to discuss relevant issues that may have arisen for him during the week. Michael and I worked in partnership to complete the recovery star and made a plan to tackle some of the areas in his life that he would like to improve on. An example of this would be attending litera cy classes, learning how to text and learning how to cook at home and also finding a job. I am working in partnership with Michael to achieve these goals. For this session, I planned to discuss and start the recovery star with Michael in order to understand his lifestyle at this present time. In order to complete the recovery star I used a task centred approach. The theory that I used for this session was behaviourism. Behaviourism is based on the theories of Pavlov, Skinner and Watson (Trevthick.P, 2005). According to Trevthick.P (2005) it was seen that through observable and measureable responses that behaviours are learned and in result behaviours can also be unlearned (Trevthick.P, 2005). According to Trevthick.P (2005) it also states that there are four types of techniques which are systematic desensitization, aversion therapy, operant conditioning, and modelling. In regards to working with Michael in this session, I used one of these techniques which were operant conditioning. â€Å"Operant conditioning is a technique where ‘the environment has been specifically programmed to support certain behaviours and discourage other s’ (Sheldon, 1995) by altering the consequences that follow† (Trevthick.P,2005:P.96). While working with Michael and arranging to have our sessions in the civic centre every week it is evident through our sessions that the environment around him would have an effect on his behaviour. For example if the civic centre was busy Michael would sometimes seem a little anxious, whereas if the centre was quiet, Michael’s mood would be quite calm. Through operant conditioning it also discusses the possibility of reinforcements in regards to behaviours. Through this it is evident that through our weekly sessions, Michael would understand his reinforcement by participating within the session would be his daily allowance. This has become clear on a number of occasions as Michael has become quite engaging in regards to the sessions that would take place on a weekly basis. Whereas before if Michael received his daily allowance before his weekly sessions he would become disengag ing and would abandon the session. Through this theory I then decided to use the method of task centred work with Michael. According to Adams, R et al (2002) â€Å"Task centred casework was described as a method to help people with problems of living.† (Adams.R et al, 2002). According to Payne.M (1997) task centred work looks at problems with the client and ensuring that the client accepts and acknowledges the problems that they have. Also understanding that their problems can be resolved by their actions outside the ongoing work they may have with the social worker and that the problems can be defined clearly. While also having certain issues in the clients lives that they feel that they can change and that these problems are realised by the client and not others that are in the client’s life (Payne. M, 1997). It is also discussed that it should be assessed of the â€Å"direction and strengths of clients wants† (Payne. M, 1997), this is explained in regards that the clients want can start an action, although the clients belief system can shape the want while also providing an accept able way of accomplishing those wants. In result according to Payne. M (1997) a belief can steer an action and by completing certain cognitive therapies these beliefs can be changed. According to Payne. M (1997) this was called a point of leverage. A point of leverage is accuracy, scope and consistency. Accuracy is when a social worker would discuss how accurate a client’s belief is then discuss the scope in which they discuss the range of beliefs that client has and explored with the client when they think these beliefs are limited. And lastly consistency in which the social worker would tackle misrepresentations due to a disagreement between one belief and another in which the social worker would be able to remove these and discuss it with the client. Through this emotions can arise for the client when there is a collaboration of their belief and want. This can then follow onto an action which would be shown by a behaviour which would be carried with intent which then follo ws on to a plan (Payne. M, 1997). A plan is a portray of intentions which is formed from the interaction of the belief, want and emotion (Payne. M, 1997). Through this a plan can be set in regards to exploring alternative options that may not have been tried by doing so this can give feedback to the client and social worker to understand if the method was successful or not. Through this method it also allows the client to resolve any problems they may have while also providing them with the skills for situations that may arise in the future. In result the client would be able to tackle a future issue that may arise without the need of the social worker. As cited in Payne. M (1997), Reid (1978) discusses the various stages of task centred practice. These are as follows step one â€Å"identify potential problems† (Payne.M, 1997) identifying specific problems the client is having and allowing them to express these problems in their own words in order to gain a full understanding of the situation. Step two is â€Å"reaching tentative agreements† (Payne.M, 1997), by doing this you can explore the main problems the client may be facing. Step three is â€Å"challenge unresolvable or undesirable problems† (Payne.M, 1997) by completing this with the client the social worker can challenge these problems so the client will not be encouraged to obtain an unrealistic goal. Step four is â€Å"raising additional problems† (Payne.M, 1997), through this step the social worker can challenge and allow the client to realise other problems they may be having. Step five is â€Å"seek others involvement† (Payne.M, 1997) through this it may be beneficial to seek others that can be supportive or can contribute to finding a solution. Step six is â€Å"jointly assess the reason for referral† (Payne.M, 1997); in this step it would be useful to discuss the reason why the client was referred to the service especially if the client was forced to do so. Step seven is â€Å"get precise details† (Payne.M, 1997), it would be very important for the social worker to get accurate details into when and where the problems are occurring for the client. Step eight is to specify the problem for the client, step nine would be to identify the clear baselines and lastly step ten would be to decide on the changes the client would like to make (Payne.M, 1997).Throughout this process it is vital that the client and social worker have a similar understanding of what needs to be achieved and also provide feedback at the end of each session in order to understand if certain aspects of their work is not proving su ccessful. Adams. R et al (2002) discusses this that task centred work is a systematic model which examines what works well for the client and what doesn’t work so well in regards to achieving the desired goals that are put in place (Adams.R et al,2005). In regards to this the main reason why I used this approach with Michael was because he has a mild intellectual disability and it can be difficult to engage Michael in activities for a long period of time. So when starting the recovery star I explained to Michael that we would complete three sections and then continue the rest the following week. Throughout this session Michael became agitated and annoyed as he wanted to receive his daily allowance and leave. Although when continuing to proceed with the recovery star and using the task centred approach it became clear to myself and Michael what improvements he would like to make in the different areas of his life. With this new knowledge, Michael and I were able to set a basic map. While working in this session with Michael, I decided to use the basic map of task centred practice that is discussed by Trevthick.P (2005). The reason I used this specific map instead of the other process described by Payne.M (1997) was because the basic map overall described four basic steps that would be beneficial to the sessions I had with Michael. According to Trevthick.P (2005) a basic map of a task centred approach consists of four steps. These steps are as follows, step one would be targeting three main problems the client has. Through the recovery star there were certain areas Michael wanted to improve on, which was his living skills i.e. cooking and cleaning and also his literacy skills. Step two consisted of a contract which was setting up a plan to achieve these goals successfully and set a time frame for when these would be completed. This was competed by researching the resources that were in the community in regards to the literacy classes and possible cooking classes and looking at the time scale of when Michael would like to accomplish these goals. Step three consists of problem solving which would be solving any problems that would arise for me or Michael in regards to the sessions that take place. For example whil e working towards improving Michaels literacy skills it was evident that Michael would need one to one tutoring and this wouldn’t be possible for several months, although Michael was adamant to start in which he decided to start in a group. In result as the student social worker I know I will have to support, encourage and motivate Michael in this process as he may find it challenging to be part of a group of sixteen. Finally step four is termination in which will commence when I start to finish up in my placement and hope that Michael will continue with his goals with his own social worker. At this present time because of Michael’s background and his diagnosis this method has been successful to date. I have also been able to use a person centred approach along with the task centred approach with Michael throughout this process in order to allow Michael to open up about his feelings and be honest about what is going on for him at that time and in result has allowed Mic hael to achieve positive outcomes within our daily sessions. In regards to the task centred approach that I have undertaken with Michael, at present it has been successful as it looks at the three main problems that he would like to improve on within the short space of time that I will be working with him. By using this approach it was evident that Michael felt motivated to complete these goals as he focused on the three main issues he had in his life. According to Trevthick.P (2005) it can be very difficult to engage in the underlining issues that may be present. In my opinion and the evidence from conducting sessions with Michael this is quite accurate as it can be difficult to engage Michael in certain difficult conversations from his past from a task centred approach. Although by using a person centred approach when discussing these difficult conversations can be suitable as this approach allows him to discuss these issues calmly and reflect on the situation that he may find difficult. For example by using this approach, it allowed Michael to open up about his daughters and the relationship he has with them and how he wants it to improve. He was also able to realise that he wanted to do something about his literacy skills and how this issue could be a barrier for him when searching for a job. By conducting a task centred approach and completing the recovery star I discovered this about Michael and was able to use the person centred approach to discuss it in more depth. Although even though it is discussed that a task centred approach is chosen because it allows the goals to be achievable, it can be difficult for those who may suffer from a mental health illness. Some individuals may find it difficult to achieve the goals that have been set, although at that time it is important for the social worker and client to be able to feedback any difficulties that have arisen and be able to change in accordance with the individual. For example while working with Michael it can be difficult for him in regards to his mental heal th, so throughout our sessions I ensure that near the end of each session Michael is able to understand what was discussed and his understanding and ensure that he is still motivated in regards to the goals that he has set for himself. In conclusion, it is evident that the ongoing weekly sessions with Michael have been beneficial in regards to a task centred approach. The reason for this is that Michael can concentrate on three specific goals at a time and doesn’t feel overloaded. From working with Michael on a one to one basis, his history and mental health status, this approach is working in a positive way in regards to what Michael wants to achieve. From previous case notes it has been noted of other methods that have been tried and failed to motivate and encourage Michael. This approach does have its limits for example it doesn’t allow the client to discuss their issues in detail, although that is when the social worker can incorporate other approaches into their work with the client. Throughout my work with Michael this approach has been favourable as with this client it has achieved positive results, while I am also aware that this may not be the case with every client that I encounter. Although while managing this case I plan to continue with this method and incorporate various approaches as needed in order to work in partnership with Michael to achieve his goals while anticipating a positive outcome. References Adams. R, Dominelli, Payne.M (2002). Social Work: Themes, Issues and Critical Debates. 2nd ed. Hampshire: Palgrave. P191-199 Teater. B (2010). An Introduction to Applying Social Work Theories and Methods. Berkshire: Open University Press, McGraw Hill Education. P178-193 Nelson – Jones. R (1992). The Theory and Practice of Counselling Psychology. London: Holt, Rinehart and Winston LTD. P107-120 Payne. M (1997). Modern Social Work Theory. 2nd ed. Hampshire: Palgrave. P104-112 Trevithick. P (2005). Social Work Skills: A practice handbook. 2nd ed. Berkshire: Open University Press, McGraw Hill Education. P95-98, P275-277 Recovery Star

Friday, October 25, 2019

ark Twain’s novel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn :: Twain Huck Finn

A home is normally portrayed as a dwelling in which a person feels safe and is able to be themselves. In Mark Twain’s novel, The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn, Huck, the protagonist, thinks of the river as his home. All his life the shore has had negative connotations, but after he moves to the river, everything changes for the better. While on land, he is brutalized by his father, forced into conformity by Miss Watson, and a witness to a murder. While on the river, he finds his family and learns to relax. There are many examples of family in the novel, some functional, others figurative. When Huck is on the land, he encounters many different types of families; including his relationship with his father, Pap. Pap has many views about how Huck should be raised, including his belief that Huck should not be taught to read; â€Å"You’re educated, too, they say; can read and write. You think you’re better’n your father, now, don’t you, because he can’t?... I’ll lay for you, my smarty; and if I catch you about that school, I’ll tan you good† (18). Pap’s reaction to Huck’s education is appalling. As a father, he should only have Huck’s best interest at mind, not concentrating on keeping his child illiterate. Unfortunately, this is not the only example of familial dysfunction we see in the novel. When Huck loses Jim in the water, he washes up and is found by the Grangerfords. This animalistic family is feuding with a neighboring clan, the Shepherdsons, when neither side knows the actual root of the argument. These two families are heartless, and even though they seem civilized enough with their formalities and nice houses, they are savages. Death is a common occurrence, towards which an eyelash never batted. Huck meets his counterpart, Buck, and soon sees how deranged this family really is with the death of Mr. Grangerford. â€Å"[Buck] said his father and his two brothers was killed..Buck said his father and brothers ought to waited for their relations-- the Shepherdsons were too strong for them† (97). Even though Huck feels like he fits in with the Grangerfords, he is horrified at the way they view the deaths of their kinsmen. When Buck dies, Huck becomes very upset, solely because one of the few people who he has cared about is dead. Although Huck feels an attachment to the Grangerfords, they do not function as a family and do not treat him accordingly.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Pros and Cons of Attending School Online or on Campus

My Pros and Cons of Attending College Online or On Campus Lavesha Dailey Eng 121 Elizabeth Hoyle July 10 ,2011 Throughout America people often tend to compare things. Some of the things that are being compared are more important to some peoples than the other. I love to compared thing like online schools or on campus schools. These two schools are often compared by the time consuming, less work and may even by the time being able to spend at home. But first the most important thing about these two schools would first be the time consuming. Time consuming is very important when going to school. Going to school online you don't have to work about getting up and getting dress or even finding something to wear. You can simply go to school in your pjs because you are in the privacy of your own home. And you don't even have to worry about being late for class. But on the other hand when attending an on campus college you have worry about all types of things like to get up and get ready for school and also worrying about things such as finding something to wear, combing your hair or making sure that you are on time for school before getting count absent. In other words going to school on campus really takes more effort and time then just simply just going to school online. But another way going to school online is better than going on campus is that there seems to be less work in class to do. Ok, I have notice a lot of things about going to school online and going to school on campus. I personally prefer going to school online mostly because there is less work to be done. I remember when I use to attend Alabama Southern Community College, I was always pack with more things then I can handle. I would start my day off by getting up, finding clothes, combing my hair, showering ect†¦ Then after that I would have to go gas up my car because it was costing me twenty dollars a day to drive to school from where I lived. Gas is another factor when attending an campus college because it can get to be really expensive. But when attending I would always have a lot of books for different classes that I was taking. And when you are a full time student in school you have to have at least twelve credits or more so that like three to four or more classes a week in order to get all of your credits. Even after all of this homework tend to be giving in some of the classes. Also tests in different classes on the same day are giving too. When on the other hand I notice now that I am currently attending Ashford University Online, I have one class and I am consider to be full time. The school work is aslo spaced out and I am not all giving piles of work at one time and only one test is given a week instead of a lot of test in different classes at one time. But the best thing of all about college online is being able to spend time at home. Being able to spend time at home is the important factor about attending school online. In fact this is one of the main reason for a lot of people not finishing college. Most people when are ask while they are not in school or still attending school they tend to say that they can't find the to or If they have kids they say that they don't have anyone to keep them. Well this is all true and by attending a college on campus this is bad process to worry about but by attending college online you don't have to worry about any of these things because you can do your online course any where, as long as you have your laptop or a desktop computer and internet service. You can also take your kids along where ever you go. When on the other hand when you attend college on campus you have different times to be in a class and you can't bring your kids, that means than know you would have to worry about finding someone to keep the kid and that also going to cost extra money. In other words no matter what people seems to compare in life everything is going to have there own pros and cons. Even if it something you like or dislike. But whatever you compare just make sure the answer you come up with is something you are sure to enjoy.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

History ‘biased’

Brave, slaughtering, lord of battle, marched on, noble conqueror, so many dangers, came back to the battle field his victory, praise, wonderful virtues. (b) This Duke after following his enemy's, came back to the battlefield In the middle of the night. At first dawn he took the road to London At length he brought his soldiers safely across the river Thames. From there he went through London. The Londoners gave hostages and gave themselves and all that they owned to William. Finally he won the battle. (c) Yes because it hasn't got much detail in it so it sounds boring and uninteresting.It ounds like no one cared about him and he didn't have any followers because of the poor quality writing. 4) Yes because if they knew everything about him and how kind he was then they would be able to write from the truth and the writers wouldnt just me making up lies to interest people. 5) Because it makes it look as though William is a big strong hero who is bigger than everyone, like a God or a rea lly strong lord rather than a King. 6) I think source E was written by an Englishman because it doesnt include anything good about him. It Just says how things get worse and worse not â€Å"Things were getting worse but this didn't stop William! â€Å"