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Descriptive Essay Topics For Grade 7
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
The Cancer Cell Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The Cancer Cell - Essay Example For an extensive stretch, it has become certain that malignancy much of the time encroaches on residents who are over 50 years. In spite of the fact that the young people likewise gets harrowed with such diseases, most of masses enduring such infirmities as malignant growth is the old people (Hobson, 2009). Through the accompanying perception, analysts have begun to examine the connection between organic methodology that immediate malady and maturing forms. Scientists have to this point had the option to decide the association between the two. Specialists have validated two different ways of review the connection among's malignancy and age. As per the discoveries gave, are that the powers that cause harm to human qualities might be like the powers that urge both disease and maturing (Hobson, 2009). In this way, this recommends the procedures guard against malignant growth, the genome and changelessness. Be that as it may, the subsequent explanation is by all accounts somewhat complex concerning the connection among the two. Normally happening tumor silencer atoms keep the phones from repeating or recovering inconsistently. The tumor silencer cell incites the casualty of the cells through a method viewed as apoptosis or it can close down the cell’s capacity to recreate. These two movements delivered by the silencer particles serve to secure the individuals during their conceptive periods. In this way, as the masses gets more seasoned, the particles capacities to watch the body through the two techniques decrease. Hence, the body gets helpless against malignant growth assaults legitimizing the explanation that the disease cases are progressively broad in the elderly folks individuals. For the youthful age, the defenselessness is notably diminished through the activity of the silencer atoms. The more seasoned individuals experience corporal changes that enlarge the likelihood of sickness and incapacity and which meddle with the body’s capacity to wit hstand disease dangers. Malignancy happens principally as a result of any changes or modifications on the oncogenes, tumor silencer particles and microRNA hereditary material (Croce, 2008, 502). These alterations are normally substantial techniques, despite the fact that root transmutation can arrange a person to hereditary or tribal malignancy. In disease, a solitary modification may not be adequate to start malignancy rather, disease advancement is a multistep movement with changes happening in oncogenes (Croce, 2008, 502). Oncogenes are proteins that foreordain for the control of cell proliferation, apoptosis or even the two procedures. These qualities are initiated by auxiliary changes that begin from transformations or intensification (Croce, 2008, 503). Chromosomal redesign, transmutations and quality expansion, help in actuation of oncogenes introducing an augmentation advantage or intensified proceeded with presence of cells bearing such varieties. In situations where, the o ncogenes are initiated by transformations, the preset protein is changed fundamentally in manners that take into consideration its changing activity. Myc is a replication controller and its qualities are generally translocated from the first chromosome to another chromosome. Chromosomal translocations help in combining the cell oncogene with immunoglobin that are accepted to be indispensable, in the commencement of the oncogenic movements in the improvements of certain cell types. The translocation can be viewed as fundamental basically, that it helps in the investigation of the methods, heredity and organic results of the translocations.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Herpes Essay -- essays research papers
Herpes Herpes is one of the regular of in excess of 30 distinctive explicitly transmitted maladies (STD’s) in America today. Herpes is a disease that is brought about by one of two firmly related infections, herpes simplex infection type 1 (HSV-1) and herpes simplex infection type 2 (HSV-2). The two of which are effectively gotten, have comparable side effects, and can happen on various pieces of the body. Despite the fact that it is generally normal to see the infection HSV-1 show up as oral herpes and to see the infection HSV-2 show up as genital herpes.      Most regularly herpes is a generally innocuous sickness that is once in a while hazardous. The most widely recognized type of herpes is oral herpes and for the most part appears on the lips or within the mouth as â€Å"cold sores†or â€Å"fever blisters†. Mouth blisters are regular in little youngsters who obtain them from being presented to dynamic mouth blisters of grown-ups and other kids. This type of herpes is irritating yet innocuous in the two kids and grown-up, yet is anyway extremely hurtful to an infant. It can here and there be hard to recognize whether somebody has been presented to the next type of herpes, genital herpes. This is on the grounds that there are all the time no side effects that accompany the infection. This isn't generally the situation however and when side effects do happen they are regularly observed as a bunch of rankle wounds, as a rule on the vagina, vulva, cervix, penis, or butt. For genital herpes, side effects may mos t recent half a month, leave yet just to return again weeks, months, or even years after the fact. Indications may a...
Sunday, August 9, 2020
New Student Photo Series #7 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog
New Student Photo Series #7 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog Were only a few days from Orientation. Students are stopping by the office to introduce themselves. And even though this new class is just starting, we feel like theyve been around for a while. Weve gotten to know them during the admissions process so its very exciting to finally see all of them in person. As we count down to Orientation, well post the rest of the photo contributions from our new students so you may share their adventures before arriving at SIPA. Our next submission comes from Bartosz Garbaczewski who will be pursuing his Master of International Affairs, concentrating in Energy and Environment and specializing in Advanced Economic and Policy Analysis. *** This coming September I will officially join the family of Columbia University | SIPA a family of incredibly diverse backgrounds and experiences! I look forward to meeting you all, and sharing personal interests and passions, as well as professional experiences in and beyond classrooms. As we all arrive in NYC and arrange for housing for the upcoming academic year, here are some facts about myself, which I would like to share. I am originally from Poland where I spent the first twenty years of my life. Since the last nine years I studied, worked and lived in six countries around the globe including Germany, England, China, Canada, the Netherlands, and Qatar. My professional experience is in the energy industry, where I have spent four years working across downstream and upstream businesses in one of the worlds largest oil majors. As a keen traveler, I am sharing three photographs, which I took in Qatar, Thailand and most recently in Sri Lanka. Cheers, Bartosz Qatar : Stopping for a picture with camels in Al-Shahaniya in Qatar in March a place where every visitor should stop to catch a camel race during the season Sri Lanka : Stilt fishermen fishing from their poles in Unawatuna in Sri Lanka presented a view worth capturing with my camera this July Thailand : While visiting Thailand in May I visited Damnoen Floating Market one of the most famous Thailands floating markets.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Pelican Bay State Prison s Racial Base Classification System
Introduction Prison classification is an important process in the U.S. correctional system and community corrections. Every state utilizes different types of classification method to classify their inmates. Penal institutions in the U.S. have evolved tremendously in terms of sentencing procedures, decisions and classifications. Studies from Clear et al. (2013) indicate that offenders in the United States, which consists of men, women, and juveniles, were all confined together in the same prison in the early 1800’s (p. 296). Modern correctional facilities do not mix the entire population of men, women, and juvenile offenders in the same jail or prison, but rather, in separate correctional facilities with different levels of security and monitoring. In our current era, correctional facilities for men, women, and juveniles have rehabilitative programs and modern identification systems that have the capability to measure â€Å"static risk factors such as criminal history or severity of curren t crime†(Christensen, 2008, p. 18). This case study will examine Pelican Bay State prison’s racial base classification system, and whether its practices are considered as a violation of an inmate’s civil rights. Analysis Tucked in California’s remote northwest coast lies a state penitentiary called Pelican Bay, which is known for its’ notorious isolation unit that houses the most violent criminal offenders in the United States. Pelican Bay operates on a coding system called racial
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Certainty in Descartes Meditations on First Philosophy...
Certainty in Descartes Meditations on First Philosophy Renà © Descartes was the first philosopher to raise the question of how we can claim to know anything about the world with certainty. The idea is not that these doubts are probable, but that their possibility can never be entirely ruled out. If we can never be certain, how can we claim to know anything? The First Meditation of Meditations on First Philosophy, subtitled What can be called into doubt, opens with the Meditator reflecting on the number of falsehoods he has believed during his life and on the subsequent ability of the body to deceive him. Seated alone by the fire, he resolves to demolish former opinions and rebuild his knowledge on more certain grounds. The†¦show more content†¦However, the Meditator realizes that he is often convinced when he is dreaming that he is sensing real objects. He feels certain that he is awake and sitting by the fire, but reflects that often he has dreamed this very sort of thing and been thoroughly convinced by it. On further reflection, he realizes that even simple things can be doubted. Omnipotent God could make even our conception of mathematics false. One might argue that God is supremely good and would not lead Descartes to believe falsely all these things. He supposes that not God, but some evil demon has committed itself to deceiving him so that everything he thinks he knows is false. By doubting everything, he can at least be sure not to be misled into falsehood by this demon. Recalling his previous thoughts in Meditation Two, the Meditator supposes that what he sees does not exist, that his memory is faulty, that he has no senses and no body, and that extension, movement and place are mistaken notions. Perhaps, he remarks, the only certain thing remaining is that there is no certainty. Although this argument often seems logical and fully-developed, Descartes uses this meditation to as inspiration prove that perhaps there is one thing that is absolutely certain in the universe: his existence. The Meditator has conceded that he has no senses and no body, but can he not exist either? He has also noted that the physical world does not exist, which might also seem to imply his non-existence. Yet toShow MoreRelatedDescartes Six Meditations on First Philosophy Essay1347 Words  | 6 PagesThroughout the six meditations on First Philosophy, French philosopher Rene Descartes seeks to find a concrete foundation for the basis of science, one which he states can only include certain and unquestionable beliefs. Anything less concrete, he argues will be exposed to the external world and to opposition by philosophical sceptics. The sense of the Cartesian reform is the imposition of a new method of thinking. Descartes’ method to begin with is reductive, removing all knowledge acquired withoutRead MoreThe Nature Of The Human Mind878 Words  | 4 PagesRene Descartes second meditation is titled, Concerning the Nature of the Human Mind: That it is Better Known than the Body. In his second meditation, Descartes argues that the human mind exists merely by itself without any physical representation in the world. This argument lead to many of his later meditations and allowed him to really build the framework for Western Philosophy. The cogent argument is arguably the most crucial argument, which lead us to our philosophy of the mind. In some respectRead MoreArguments For The Existence Of God1137 Words  | 5 Pagespersonal experience, and some on philosophy. Descartes offered two arguments towards the existence of God: an informal proof in the third meditation and the ontological proof in the fifth me ditation. Descartes believed that with the employment of a rational method of inquiry which applied some of the methods of analytic geometry to the study of philosophy, our ability to attain certainty and validity about our knowledge would be greatly increased. For Descartes to include a second and distinct proofRead MoreDescartes Meditations On First Philosophy1318 Words  | 6 PagesPhilosophical Questions November 2, 2017 Cogito Ergo Sum Descartes Meditations on First Philosophy and his questioning of our existence in reality is a question which philosophers have tackled throughout time. Cogito ergo sum or I think therefore I am, a phrase brought about by Descartes is the backbone of his whole philosophy of our existence in reality. As long as we are thinking things, we exist. When we look at this approach to our existence we must first deny that any sensory data that we receive is believableRead More Rene Descartes Essay1094 Words  | 5 PagesRene Descartes was a famous French mathematician, scientist and philosopher. He was arguably the first major philosopher in the modern era to make a serious effort to defeat skepticism. His views about knowledge and certainty, as well as his views about the relationship between mind and body have been very influential over the last three centuries. Descartes was born at La Haye (now called Descartes), and educated at the Jesuit College of La Flà ¨che between 1606 and 1614. Descartes later claimedRead MoreDescartes Meditations On First Philosophy1712 Words  | 7 PagesDescartes’ Meditations on First Philosophy (1641) contains six Meditations. In the first two of these Descartes addresses doubt and certainty. By the end of the second Meditation Descartes establishes the possibility of certainty by concluding that he is a â€Å"thinking thing†and that this is beyond doubt. Having established the possibility of certainty, Descartes attempts to prove the existence of God. The argument he presents in the Third Meditation for the existence of God has been nicknamed theRead MoreDescartes and God Essay820 Words  | 4 PagesDescartes and God Everywhere in this world there are debates on many things. Logic is often employed in order to understand and come to an agreement on these debated topics. One such topic, which is arguably the greatest topic of debate occurring in modern day, is the existence of God. Sure, many people believe in some sort of higher being, but how many of them try and use logic and rational thought to prove the existence of God. Many probably, however we will only look at one such person.Read MoreRene Descartes And Kant1013 Words  | 5 Pageswith many philosophers worth studying, a common theme present amongst Renà © Descartes, David Hume, and Immanuel Kant is the fact that all three philosophers challenged the traditional ways of thinking about philosophy respective to their eras. In certain aspects, all three of these philosophers also grappled with understanding, discovering, and logically explaining the power of the mind to shape whole truths. From Descartes’ foundational work with me thodological doubt to Kant’s contribution to previousRead MoreEssay about Descartes View on the Senses652 Words  | 3 PagesDescartes first meditation included a few arguments that Descartes studied and analyze. The one I choose to analyze was his argument of sense deception. The actually argument is the following: (1) My senses sometimes deceive me. (2) If my senses sometimes deceive me, then they might always deceive me. (3) If my senses might always deceive me, then I cannot be certain about any beliefs acquired through my senses. (4) If I cannot be certain about any beliefs acquired through my senses, then I mustRead MoreRene Descartes s Meditation On First Philosophy802 Words  | 4 PagesRenà © Descartes objective in Meditation on First Philosophy is to construct philosophy as a solid methodical study and discipline alike the sciences. To do so he must first suspend belief in all things doubtful and from their go about verifying the true concepts of the world. In meditation II he verifies that he is a thinking thing and finds that the certainty of the cogito â€Å"I think therefore I am†lies in the distinct perception of what he affirms. From this he generates a general rule of evidence
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Case Study Lonely Free Essays
1. Prepare a report in which you analyze the marketing channel conflicts and cannibalization issues that Lonely Planet faces as it is currently operating. Suggest solutions that might reduce revenue losses or operational frictions that result from these issues. We will write a custom essay sample on Case Study Lonely or any similar topic only for you Order Now Channel Conflict: when sales through the company’s web site interfere with sales in that company’s retail stores. The potential for significant channel conflict exists in Lonely Planet with the same product (books or content) being sold via multiple channel. Lonely Planet has worked hard to minimize channel conflict by selling books on their website only at the recommended retail price, therefore it does not undercutting their retail resellers. Moreover, most retailers hold only a small selection of the five hundred Lonely Planet titles, and for the many titles they do not hold, channel conflict is minimal. The CitySync product is also carefully positioned to reduce channel conflict, since it targets a specific segment (time-poor, cash-rich travelers) with a new offering that is somewhat different from the existing Lonely Planet city guidebooks. However, over time there may be some conflict between CitySync and products such as customized guidebooks. Cannibalization: The loss of traditional sales of a product to its electronic counterpart. The well-known travel guides company, Lonely Planet gives a lot of guides for free on its website. A few years ago, many major travel-guide publishers were concerned that Lonely Planet website will hurt their sales. If travelers have to travel on board, they could just go on the website in order to read all the information they need without buying the Lonely Planet travel guide paper version. But far from cannibalizing sales instead, the net has helped publishers build their brands and expand into new territory. Moreover, giving information on its own website is a way to do free advertising. Without this display of guides on the website, customer would not have bought the travel guide paper version. Lonely Planet and other leading publishers have recorded growth rates of 15% to 25% per year over the past four years, as much as their guidebook content has migrated online. 2. Prepare a list of a new products that Lonely Planet might introduce to take advantage of Internet technologies (including wireless technologies for mobile devices) and address customer’s concerns about the timeliness and currency of information in the printed travel guides. Briefly describe any problems that Lonely Planet will face as it introduces these new products. In 2008, Lonely Planet launched Pick Mix which enables travelers to go to a section of the Lonely Planet Website (, select the country or region to which they are travelling and download the chapter for the place they are visiting. Rather than carry loose pages, chapters (served as PDF files) can be downloaded into a hand-held device or e-book reader. Interactive e-book travel guides: Emerging the best of both medium – digital and print – into one interactive ebook guide. Lonely Planet introduced e-books on ipad, so the layout and design is to flip through a guidebook and includes signature stunning images, expert author content and tips from local. Unlike traditional print guide book, the digital format allows to include over 3,000 hyperlinks so readers can get to a particular chapter or map with just a tap of a finger. Thus, travelers can get information on a particular region, point of interest or hotel/ restaurant without flipping through the pages. More, travelers can search terms in Google or Wikipedia for additional content. Travelers can also bookmark the places they don’t want to miss and make notes on the page, just like a print guidebook. Usually traditional publishing cycle for the print guides is every 2 years, but with e-books, it will be updated in a real time. However, unlike apps, ebook updates are not pushed out to end user, and readers will have the opportunity to repurchase the new edition. In addition, due to handheld’s limited memory and bandwidth, the new applications focus on cities, not countries. They obviously can not replace a guidebook for a month-long odyssey in Thailand or an exploration of Italy’s Amalfi Coast.  But for the traveler who wants to figure out how to spend a free afternoon or where to go for dinner, these mobile guides – plus a good map are ideal substitutes for printed guides. Lonely Planet therefore should continue to invest in product development to work with the likes of Apple, Google, Amazone, Nokia, etc. 3. Many loyal Lonely Planet customers carry their travel guides (which can be several hundred pages thick) with them as they travel around the world. In many cases, these customers do not use large portions of the travel guides. Also, Internet access can be a problem for many of these customers while they are travelling. Describe a product (or products) that might address this customer concern and also yield additional revenue for Lonely Planet. Your answer here could build on ideas that you developed in your solution to part2. By using interactive ebook travel guides, travelers doing longer trips do not need to carry three or four guidebooks during travelling. Travelers can buy the content directly and save it in their hand-held or ebook before they are going to travel on board if the current destination does not provide good internet connection. It is also an ease to carry around. Moreover, travelers can bookmark the places they don’t want to miss and make notes on the page, just like a print guidebook. How to cite Case Study Lonely, Free Case study samples
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Bravery Essay Example For Students
Bravery Essay My quote has to do with an emotion every person and every living thing feels. My quote has to do with fear. My quote isnt just about fear its self, it has to do with what it takes to get through fear, and to get through fear you have to have courage and when you have courage you are brave. My quote is about being brave. You cannot be brave unless you feel fear. by Francine Pascal. People can be brave in so many ways, just by overcoming a simple fear. For example, the dark can arouse fear in the hearts of many especially for a five year old boy. Imagine that five yr old boy, and imagine him having an extremely snotty older brother that radiates with an I fear nothing ora. Then imagine all the terrifying things that scared you when you were five, especially the dark. One night when its time for him to go to bed his older brother snickers and says Nice nightlight baby as he walks by his room thats glowing from the train light nightlight that plugs into his wall. We will write a custom essay on Bravery specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now So wanting desperately to be just like his older brother the little boy climbs out of bed, snatches the night light and runs as fast as his five year old legs can carry him. Now the dark surrounds him and he feels the monsters that inhabit his closet creeping out craving little boy toes. He runs much faster and with a mighty leap he lands safely in his bed. A warm feeling flows through his body as he pulls the sheets up to his chin for extra protection. That warm feeling is the feeling of being brave. Another example of Bravery Essay I can give you is me. At the end of my sophomore year in high school me and two of my friends made a very dumb decision, well a couple of dumb decisions. We choose to drink one night, but also we choose to drive. As a consequence to our stupidity one of my best friends Chelsea Clark lost her life. I was so scared to see the faces of the kids at my school and most of all Chelseas friends. I dont know how but somehow I overcame that fear and had to go on with life even though Chelseas was over. I guess you could call that being brave. In some way, big or small, deep or shallow, everything in life has a lesson that can be learned from it. This quote was not a lesson on how to be brave or what you should do or say to be brave, but I think it was a lesson in a way on why people are brave. This quote You cannot be brave unless you feel fear. by Francine Pascal, is about what exactly it is to overcome fear. Bibliography: . Bravery Essay Example For Students Bravery Essay What is the first thing that comes to mind when the word Bravery Essay is said? For most people a war hero or a superhero comes into their minds. Probably every language has a word for bravery, but there is only one true meaning. The word bravery is showing a brave spirit or courage(Random, p. 164) when hard times are thrust upon or happen to them. Bravery is not only what people do, but how they do it. The concept is also showiness, splendor, and magnificence(Random, p. 164). Bravery may be shown in different ways: a person may jump from a plane or walk on fire to show that he/she is truly brave. Then again, sometimes bravery is something that a person has inside him or her and is never shown as an action at all. For thousands of years, people have used words that describe the concept of bravery. The history, or etymology, of the English word bravery is as follows. We will write a custom essay on Bravery specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The word originated in Latin as barbarus. The Romans who spoke Latin were warriors so it is logical they would have a word that talked about their courageous actions. The Vulgar Latin, which was spoken Latin, was transformed by Middle French in the Middle Ages as well as by Middle English. This form of English was what was spoken in the 12th to 15thcenturies. From the Middle English evolved the English we speak today and with it, the word bravery. Throughout history, people have talked about the concept of bravery in many ways. The Greek writer and philosopher Euripides said, The man who knows when not to act is wise. To my mind, bravery is forethought (Euripides, p.11). In the Middle Ages, George II of England said that bravery never goes out of fashion (George, p. 261). Later, Francois de la Rockefoucould said, True bravery is shown by performing without witness what one might be capable of showing all the world (Rockefoucould, p. 12). Bravery has seemed to be an important concept or action throughout history. When Francois de la Rockefoucould spoke about bravery, he pointed out an important feature of the virtues true meaning. Then he made the distinction between peoples private actions versus their public ones, he made it clear that people who do good deed only to get rich or famous are not practicing bravery. True bravery is helping people or animals simply because their actions benefit mankind. It seems that we often misunderstand this aspect of bravery and make the wrong people famous while forgetting about others who show bravery throughout their lives. The one person that, for me, most represents bravery in this century is Martin Luther King, Jr. Mr King was born in Atlanta, Georgia when black men and white men did not mix. When he died, these two races were a little closer to peace. This was due primarily because of the great influence that Martin Luther King, Jr. had in the United States. He got on the bandwagon of the civil rights movement with the Montgomery Bus Boycott. He kept leading the movement after his house was bombed. That was bravery because he put his life on the line to make all American black peoples lives better. Later in his life, in 1963, he and other protesters in Birmingham, Alabama, were met by police with dogs and high pressure water hoses (Norell, np). This event was shown on television. His resistence in Alabama was brave because when police came, he and the others did not back down but rather stood up for their beliefs. I dont know if Ive shown bravery or not in my life yet. .u24861c2a64c0b4e7f8837b6e80a4e537 , .u24861c2a64c0b4e7f8837b6e80a4e537 .postImageUrl , .u24861c2a64c0b4e7f8837b6e80a4e537 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u24861c2a64c0b4e7f8837b6e80a4e537 , .u24861c2a64c0b4e7f8837b6e80a4e537:hover , .u24861c2a64c0b4e7f8837b6e80a4e537:visited , .u24861c2a64c0b4e7f8837b6e80a4e537:active { border:0!important; } .u24861c2a64c0b4e7f8837b6e80a4e537 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u24861c2a64c0b4e7f8837b6e80a4e537 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u24861c2a64c0b4e7f8837b6e80a4e537:active , .u24861c2a64c0b4e7f8837b6e80a4e537:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u24861c2a64c0b4e7f8837b6e80a4e537 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u24861c2a64c0b4e7f8837b6e80a4e537 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u24861c2a64c0b4e7f8837b6e80a4e537 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u24861c2a64c0b4e7f8837b6e80a4e537 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u24861c2a64c0b4e7f8837b6e80a4e537:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u24861c2a64c0b4e7f8837b6e80a4e537 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u24861c2a64c0b4e7f8837b6e80a4e537 .u24861c2a64c0b4e7f8837b6e80a4e537-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u24861c2a64c0b4e7f8837b6e80a4e537:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Martin Luther King Jr. Dream Speach Essay I havent had any opportunities to save anyone or make a difference in the world. There have been times when I have stood up for my beliefs or said what I thought was right when it meant that I might not get to do something. I think Ive been brave in these situations but to talk about what Ive done and compare it to the actions of a man like Martin Luther King, Jr. is to compare apples and oranges, to make my actions greater than they were or to make his actions less important than what they have been .
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